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You can find Encounters all over the universe, though some specific types of encounters can happen more than once, usually in different locations. Below is a small summary of some of the more common Encounters you can find:

Common Encounters[edit]

- Bandits: Usually consisting of 2-4 bandits, most commonly Humans; these ruffians are usually armed with an assortment of different weapons. They can usually be found around a campfire, or a couple of dilapidated boxes, usually containing some of their recent loot.

- Floran Cannibals: Known for their voracious appetite, Florans that have refused to incorporate into the general civilized world tend to feed into their baser instincts, staying in small strike groups with which they overwhelm and take down others. Armed with various Floran weapons, usually laced with Poison or capable of Bleeding effects, these cannibals hunt anything that isn't their own, and devour what remains.

- Gregs: Usually found in groups near old USCM science facilities, Gregs are all victims of a strange virus which strips one of their identity and has them assume the identity of Greg, the initial scientist who discovered this strange virus. Gregs usually come heavily armed and will attack not-Gregs in large groups, sometimes ranging from 4-12 units. Woe be unto those whom encounter the army of Gregs...

- Kluex Zealots: These Avian fanatics are highly obsessed with their patron deity, and in such believe that the sacrifice of other sentient beings to their god will gain them enlightenment and favor. While their structures and technology are quite advanced, they prefer to combat their adversaries with simpler weapons such as Spears and Bows. Their weapons tend to be inferior, however their numbers can overwhelm.

- Merchants: They can range from any race, and be from any part of the universe; there's always a need for trade, and Merchants of every race will scour the galaxies for different places with where they can make a profit. Sadly, they usually do not come with many defenses, and should the planet they deal on be hostile, tend to be at the mercy of the natives.

- Miniknog: Though some groups of the Miniknog are not hostile to outsiders, they tend to be very protective about their research and more macabre pursuits; stumbling upon one of these unspeakable pursuits can usually result in a tussle with the Miniknog. Beware, as their weapons are mighty, and any recent advances in science they have concocted tend to be used to their advantage.

- Ocassus Cultists: Sometimes appearing individually, or with a group of 2-3, the Ocassus Cult usually sports higher-tech weapons as compared to bandits. They can similarly be found near boxes or campfires, however they also sometimes set up small shrines dedicated to their dark faith.

- Precursors: Armed with weapons that are radioactive and possess spectacular firepower, the Precursors will assault any species they find. It is not exactly known why the Precursors are so hostile, however they should not be underestimated; their large numbers and superior weaponry make them deadly enemies.